Covid Vaccine


Operation Phoenix Rising will file suit in Federal Court against the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) aka centers for deliberate confusion! CDC Lawsuit.

This case presents the following legal question: Did the CDC break three federal laws when they threw away their pandemic book which wouldn’t let them use fake PCR tests (see exhibit 1) and presumptive cases and deaths? The answer is: Yes.

All federal agencies are required to comply with all federal laws. For your convenience, relevant federal agencies and excerpts of relevant laws are included later in this exhibit. The CDC and National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), a federal agency within the CDC, are required to comply with the Administrative Procedures Act (APA), the Paperwork Reduction Act
(PRA), and the Information Quality Act (IQA). As you are aware, these three laws ensure essential oversight of our federal agencies in order to ensure accuracy in data collection, analysis, and publication.

Upon investigation, the following has been revealed:
(1) The CDC and NVSS violated the APA, PRA, and IQA by issuing COVID-19 Alert No. 2 on March 24th, 2020. This alert significantly modified how death certificates were recorded and did so exclusively for COVID-19. This alert ensured COVID-19 was emphasized as the cause of death. This modification was made exclusively for COVID-19 fatalities which makes COVID-19
exclusively a cause of death and rarely a contributing factor to death. The 2003 CDC Medical Examiner’s and Coroner’s Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting states that in the presence of pre-existing conditions infectious disease is recorded as the contributing factor to
death, not the cause. This modification was medically unnecessary, as existing rules for data collection and recording had been in successful use nationwide for the previous 17 years. Most egregiously, this material modification does not apply to any other infectious disease creating a double-standard exclusively for COVID-19 data collection.

As a result, COVID-19 fatality data used to shape public health policy is significantly inflated.

(2) The CDC violated the APA, PRA, and IQA by adopting the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Interim-20-ID-01 COVID-19 Standard Surveillance position paper on April 14th, 2020. This position paper significantly increased COVID-19 case counts. As seen in Section VII.B on page 6, the CSTE paper acknowledged the need to define a methodology for
ensuring multiple tests on the same person were not counted multiple times as new cases, and then declined to define one.
Additionally, Section 5 of the CSTE paper creates the option of “probable” COVID-19 cases with an extraordinarily low standard of proof for diagnosis. For example, the standard of medical diagnosis in this section allows a simple cough to be sufficient to diagnose a patient as COVID-19 positive. Even without confirmatory symptoms or lab testing, this patient can now be included in
data collection such as total cases, hospitalizations, and cause of death. The adoption of the CSTE position paper creates material modifications exclusively for COVID-19 data collection that does not apply to any other infectious disease. As a result, COVID-19 case and fatality data used to shape public health policy is significantly inflated.

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